[FM] Viva la Revolution - Being Rerolled

Eh, since Maxi is playing



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/join sorry guys i am back again.I will not leave my meme friends alone here.I will be better this time.



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Do keep note however, my activity drops sufficiently after one week so when I find not enough time to play then keep backup handy.

Vacation in Portugal.


I’m gonna die N1.
All protectives on me

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Only the Mafia can kill you N1 :roll_eyes:

I claim anytime vig btw

Can’t be bussed by your scum team for credit if you’re a lone wolf scum. :wink:


I’ll bus myself!
Works every time



Fates wil end soon enough so might as well join what looks to be a spicy townsided meme game

you’re either 1 too late or the last join lel
i’ll let ashe count

last join boys

Yep I think you’re last one.

right listen up
you’re dealng with MEMECIBALUS this game
so prepare yourself


I feel like this game has a really interesting lineup.

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i guess you could call it that
i’m calling that this game ends up being a light-hearted memefest due to high kill power + lack of organisation among the scum

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Asking it here.Does fate have death chat or not ? If there is i am not in

Let us praise our lord and saviour Ici

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