[FM] Viva la Revolution - Being Rerolled

Explain the Firekitten + Orange relationship, Memesky.

you must not have seen very many townies, then

Itā€™s because I just feel bad. I really donā€™t like how this setup is town sided and it doesnā€™t even seem right to be able to win doing nothing. It just doesnā€™t feel like a good victory imo.

Are you sure you arenā€™t a scum who doesnā€™t want to bang his head against the wall :thinking:


Firekitten was sure orange was town earlier during discussion of this doctor plan when orange was against the plan for a bit. So i believe Firekitten is mafia who hit non maf scum and wants to ally with him

From what I understand, Meme is saying that at least one of them is the Mafia Vigilante and knows the other one didnā€™t die to their shot, and has infered they are on the same team because of it. Theyā€™re now in a kind of scumbloc as their interaction was them trying to soft to the other that ā€œHey, psst, Iā€™m scum, wanna form a scumbloc bbā€.

Iā€™m scumreading both of them for different reasons but shrug

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Something like that as i remember

You guys were searching for doc claims right?

We got 2

If orange flips mafia this proves that this didnā€™t happen as the other ones canā€™t kill N1.

I just donā€™t feel like I deserve this free win as it doesnā€™t feel right imo.

Thatā€™s actually a really good point.
I hope nobody will be too mad if I balance this on the fly, but Iā€™ll probably change the doctors to prevent that from happening.


donā€™t make your game bastard kids


Not a doctor btw

(or maybe I am?)

unless itā€™s adding ITAs in which case Iā€™m 100% on board with it.


Be seriousky about it thx

Really? I mean, if that sort of situation occurs Iā€™m not sure how fun it would be for non-towns.

Itā€™s shit for scum but itā€™s kinda your fault for not fixing the setup pre-game. Mid-game role/rule changes are NOT something that should ever happen. (unless pre-planned for lolbastard reasons)


If the doctors canā€™t heal each other then the third one shouldnā€™t out. Outting will lead to death for most of the doctors and that would be bad.

We should just hope that if orange flips mafia the third one isnā€™t a mafid doctor.

I mean tbh if we want this game to not be bastard and fun we need to:

add the doc mechanic