[FM] Viva la Revolution Reroll - Town Wins!

Well anyway you guys assumed i didn’t get alchemist my first game and you expected me to fake claim alch.I mean for Sfol 28

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Funny enough, I did say that we shouldn’t consider a DV an automatic town and nobody really listened. Then again, I also said that Blizer was acting odd and that Marl likely bussed Unknown, so yeah.

May we also say how they had a ninja but no tracker/lookout

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Twil1 basically randed everyone’s roles from the wiki.

And no protectives.

Meanwhile people kept wanting to lynch within the Town Offensives because of counter-claiming. :roll_eyes:

This is why you shouldn’t bother about abilities and claims in closed setups. Town’s reliance in CCing and mechanical confirmation screwed them in the end.

There were really 5 offensive tho.

Oof. That hurts y’know. :cry:

I will skip the fact, it was one of the most balanced games ever submitted on this site and I’m not joking here.

It was balanced. The problem was that town there, well, you know how the story goes.

I do. But it isn’t like Town deserved a win there, right?

Maybe next time who knows. :wink:

Oh no
The setup was good
I just got very heated and said many things I shouldn’t have

Eh, that was unfortunate indeed…

Also I low key feel very bad for hard bussing unknown and will likely never bus anyone ever again

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Righhhttttt :eyes:

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You won’t never escape from your destiny as Ultimate Bus Driver. :eyes:


I wish I got goo tbh that seemed fun

better then dying as jester

Yeah he went from being understandable to “wtf am I reading” if I’m being honest


So it suppose to be modconfirmed that there is at least one of them?
I’m not sure do I like it but eh.

I mean it was pretty much useless

It’s like adding a GF when everyone else is a citizen