[FM] Viva la Revolution Reroll - Town Wins!

After a canned game and two rerolls in a row, this will be the best you get from me. :slight_smile: I imagine it will improve as things start happening.

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Ha ha ha! Jokes must be scum indicitive of Solic :thinking:


Hey Margaret, if i make you that stats page will you not nightkill me? :smile:

i’m directing this gif towards Margaret.

D1 claims are something that should NEVER happen in this setup EVER.


Sure which game though :thinking:

There is no other explanation.

All of them :thinking:

/vote Memesky

Actual serious policy lynch that isn’t just an excuse for wolves to freely vote town. Discuss.

For the next five games I wont attack you n1, fair?


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No d1 vote

I must confess I am the gun-wielding, bombing arsonist. Good luck deducing.


I choose my own destiny.

I am the tracking doctor fireman defuser. You’ve met your match, villain!

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Btw im betting that solic just tried to hint us that hes a doc

No one will save you tonight.

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Except for me

This means you’re immune to nothing and I can eliminate all power roles in one fell swoop. Triple macho, GG. Marl N1 kill, how predictable.

Hes here, hes there, hes everywhere, who you gonna call, psychadelic fredbear?!

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Enjoy bomb

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