[FM] Viva la Revolution Reroll - Town Wins!

Tracker shouldn’t out bcs they found someone visited btw.Unless the tracked person was so scummy.Cause tracker can out themself and a doc.

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I agree wholeheartedly.

Seems familiar

cough ritual cough

I should vote you for that but I’m not an idiot
(ignoring the fact that you can’t vote d1)



Except, I didn’t read someone non-existent in the game as scum and we just started as opposed to being well into day 2.

I also didn’t vote you for that reason. Just because I say something, does not mean it is my actual intent. I had you 1 out of 3 as scum confirmed and can you honestly say you showed any town motivation that game?

 Loading ScummyEntranePost.exe
 ERROR: <Subject is too townie>
 Loading TownieEntrancePost.exe
 Icibot.exe has shut down.

Good morning ya’ll. tips hat
I’ll read up sometime soon, I have a lot of shit to sort out and catch up on so don’t expect any content for a bit.
If anyone has any questions they’d like to ask me, now’s the time.

ladies please you’re both pretty

but what’s really important is how i’m gonna get nightkilled tonight

so let’s talk about that instead :^)

Omae wa mou shindieru

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/vote Solic

Early wolflean on Sarun (wolf = scum btw I’m joining the MU craze again). I’d describe him as Level 2 player in these kinds of setup, and what I think is important to note is that Level 2 players often start out with very solve-y posts early on when they’re wolves. It already indicates to me a burning desire to appear to be contributing RATHER than a desire to contribute.

Im a level -1 player my boi

Ye do not try to read me in setups where Citizens occur

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How about you don’t slank for us?

No u. /vote Margaret

Good boy you fell for my trap card


I claim the Tracker :dancing_women:


Oww shiii, you caught me? I swear I didn’t mean to.