[FM] Viva la Revolution Reroll - Town Wins!


I already explained how you were wrong about that.

Yeah Im also kinda busy.

/vote Capt

@Captain I think ur scum!

Come and defend urself plz.

No you didnā€™t you said:

This is completely avoiding my point, as well as avoiding the other points I raised!

Read this

Time to explain why I made a plan

This bothered me because I was trying to help then to he said that I wasnā€™t helping bothered me. So I did this

This was me trying to lessen it by saying ā€œI was trying to help by shooting the awful plans downā€ And then I made the plan

Like literary the doctors donā€™t even have to protect the tracker and the scum may be afraid to attack the tracker. Donā€™t say that your goal is to have all of them on one target when you didnā€™t read this.

Sarun then basically said my plan was garbage so I said this as in to say. No plan is perfect. But then he says Iā€™m trying to discredit all of the other plans.


You didnā€™t explicitly state it but this post implies it.

So I didnā€™t say it? Stop reading into things that I donā€™t say then.

dont mind me iā€™m just going to say nothing and get townread for it


I could swear that Vulgard was in this game. I feel so confused.

/vote Ici People that confirm late are always scum. Prove me wrong.

We canā€™t even vote D1.


There are no trials never mind.

Strange logic since timezones.

Thatā€™s not how FM works. Scumreading requires interpretation of implied meanings, actions and tone analysis. You canā€™t just say ā€˜I didnā€™t explicitly say it so im good.ā€™

I was kidding. lol

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Oh well I totally knew thatā€¦ lul

Htm can we make a pact that I am going to see Cult in the Jungle Htm back? Or I will deathtunnel you relentlessly this game. :slight_smile:

You interpreted wrong then.

Anyway i believe you are Town as i donā€™t think you would stay death tunneling me that Long as scum.

I mean tbh I was so aggressiveā€¦

I am never that aggressive unless Im sure someoneā€™s scum and almost everyone kinda acted scummy in that game tbhā€¦