[FM] Viva la Revolution Reroll - Town Wins!

Marl and Captain are basically confirmed town. Margaret is close to confirmed too.

Let me summarize
There is exactly one scum between Maximus and Luxy

btw i see solic more as scum than sarun

Honestly whoever’s been pushing that slot, knowing they’re inactive and are going to replace out, could potentially be anarchist/arso

What set off the wagon? I might need to check

Almost 3 days

Both claim forefinger

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Basically means i live tonight as scum won’t dare attack me for it’ll out them

Color me surprised. :slight_smile:

Need a hammer?

So Max, you’re not replacing out then?

Wait that’s not how you spell firefighter


I guess i’ll stay as there are not enough people

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/vote Sarun


did i spell i right?

Hammer down

So Marl and Captain are town, Marg and Luxy are thunderdoming (1 or 2 scum), and the rest are not lock town/scum aside from me, who is a heavily suspected scum slot.

Okay, I get it.

Stahp unvote

I mean tech could replace you if you didn’t want to play
they just offered like 10 posts ago

/unvote before ashe does stuff

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vote nearly confirmed scum > lol yolo sarun
