[FM] Yes, We Can’t Have Nice Things Because This Is A Clown Fiesta Sequel ENDGAME [3/22]

why are you so certain that Electra was janitored specifically

if Electra wasn’t janitored then both Gorta and Eli are lying.

Not neccecarily both. One of them, certainly. But not both.

Eli’s investigation result could very well be because of some kind of flavour godfather that replaces flavour peeks with weird results, for example.

Of course, if Electra wasn’t janitored, gorta has to be a wolf. With the slight problem that there’s absolutely zero reason why someone would janitor somebody without a rolecard. Why bother trying to stop the flip of someone who can’t?

Also Electra has no wincon or abilties which by looking at the claims and my role looks way too odd.

I’m not saying that their role has to be 100% unredacted. That’s impossible. What I am saying is that you’re being premature in assuming the kind of flip altering that was used was a janitor.

Especially given that the only kind of janitor that targets Electra in this instance is an ITA Janitor. i.e: cob. Which is why Blizer is voting for cob, if I remember correctly.

well I’m just gonna stick with Electra being janitored unless there are signs in which either Eli got some sort of weird results or Electra’s flip being real.

he rolecopped electra as nygoloth, which contradicts gorta’s statement that the flavour name is monke, and contradicts the announcement’s flavour that electra was herobrine

how is that not weird results

explanation of Eli getting weird results*

The only thing I can think of is that he was effected by some kind of Mind Warp-esque effect that makes him get nonsensical investigation results. Which really isn’t very strong but it’s a explanation.

The problem is that nobody would waste framing abilities on electra, nor would most wolves use a mind warp ability on Eli.

Therefore, the only way the results of the check could be distorted is if there was some kind of effect not under the complete control of any particular player, or if I’m wrong about what the wolves would do with their night actions.

The thing is that the Gorta/Eli issue still remains even if we put Electra down as janitored.


I think we need to answer one question

why wolves would want to do anything with Electra?


why would wolves target Eli?

Yeah as i said

Cob, if he does have an ITA janitor shot doesnt resolve it, but it can help solve it

If Cob doesnt have it, im leaning towards Gorta being a wolf in this thunderdome

i think a cop check is needed on either Gorta or Eli here no matter what here


thats the thing

also, Electra stated they got their Role Card at EoN

so, its much more of a weird situation surronding the flip around it

Its why the Cob with an ITA Janitor flip mechanic is there, because outside of Gorta lying about what he did, its pretty high up there for reasons to why Electra flipped herobrine there

i have thought that maybe electra just peeked as nygoloth
while they still remained without a rolecard
and they got their rolecard at the end of the night but eli peeked their flavour name at the beginning of the night