[FM] Yes, We Can’t Have Nice Things Because This Is A Clown Fiesta Sequel ENDGAME [3/22]


okay you know what i’ll rewind a bit

why did you not reveal last night

Because I couldn’t do it last night

but if we shoot you then you can’t get ML’ed in lylo again
clearly this is the optimal solution

I have questions for you later


why did you say you were okay with dying in the event then

One seocnd let me check something

Because I was already in poe and do not have wim to play this game

But now I’m still alive so shrug

but you’re an innocent child

why would you die to take yourself out of PoE

gorta things

gorta had some weird progression with emila first going “your scummy” to “nvm you kinda townie” to “i don’t like your slot”
there might be a reason on gorta’s part but overall this interaction was kinda lol

i don’t like this since gorta says light is scummy for voting AtNo, despite gorta not actually having a good opinion on AtNo at that point. Seems slightly shadey.

not much to say here without repeating stuff but the progression on min was very bad. went from “min good” to “min meh” to “min should be killed today”

asks ici to case his scum read on him despite the fact ici already did
sad things is that isnt AI considering this sites townplay :tm:

one thing i want to ask to you gorta, why did your read on emila change so quickly? was there any posts that stood out to you from her, or was it something else? :stuck_out_tongue:

Because I couldn’t do it last night

that doesn’t change the fact that you still can do it

want me to shoot mot?



your wish is my command

/shoot Mot @Geyde

actually the only person i trust enough to let them shoot not mot is ici

wonderful reading i gotta say

ITAs aren’t open yet

oh lol