[FM] Yes, We Can’t Have Nice Things Because This Is A Clown Fiesta Sequel ENDGAME [3/22]

to be honest atm i dont really know who i wanna lynch

theres quite a bit of fluff posting from a significant amound of slots that it would be like hitting a fucking dart board blind

i think when EoD nears, more content will be avalible from more slots for us to properly read and generate reads (Hopefully)

I will say we can add people from your list into the pool if we agree consensuly about these individuals

i avenged marl
that is the only important thing

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that’s not the only thing i’ve discussed

Marl is still alive vul

also you didnt give me an explanation about this:


i think you’ve discussed it to a degree that doesnt make sense

also worth noting you can’t argue that it’s not fair for me to say that people should die for not making content when half my PoE is my PoE for that reason

i think you’re wolfy
and i also think arete’s wolfy

that’s all the explanation you’re going to get

so you read us individualy wolfy that we would be wolf team

cool cool good to know

i think you both have individual wolfiness and i also don’t see anything that tells me you can’t be aligned so yeah

Honestly with your approach to this game, im not surprised lol

i want to have 69 posts so i will not post again until eod

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mist: this is my yeetpool for today
people: your yeetpool is bad and you should feel bad
mist: ok so who should we yeet


Conduit is priv

You literally said “eli is _ but that’s his meta so”


if thats what you believe sure, do so, but you better make a good case against both of us EoD


eli is Like This a lot but i also think he’s worth killing for it and i think he’s gth scum here

Hey, Blizer. This is a flawed way of thinking. I’d like to introduce you to nolynching.

There seems to be this coming misconception that we need to constantly kill kill kill lynch lynch lynch. But that really doesn’t need to happen. You see, we should be trying to bring peace to the Town.
If we attempt to eliminate someone, it’s quite likely that we will kill a fellow townie, which would be so terrible! We need to prevent that from happening. The most reliable way of doing so is through nolynching.
You see, the minority can influence the votes and outcome of the trial, thereby manipulating us into killing ourselves.
It’s time for a change. Let’s bring change to this Town. I shall lead everyone to enlightenment.
come, comrade. let us give rise to a glorious empire

explain pls
at least try

if you want an actual reason i hated his vote on vul but that wasn’t in my mind until i checked his ISO just now

Just say you want to policy him

No reason to say hes scum because there’s literally no evidence ur giving me that makes me believe you actually find him scummy