[FM] Yes, We Can’t Have Nice Things Because This Is A Clown Fiesta Sequel ENDGAME [3/22]

vul is wolfy

is gut an acceptable answer


no hisses at you

just kidding, sure. I’ll give that to you because it would be unfair to not

that has zero bearing on my point, especially because this is multiball

Your not turning me to both your no lynching and marxist ways you melon

That’s a good point actually srry

cantaloupe replicating his town meta after someone pointed out that he hadn’t done it yet is completely NAI and i don’t know why people think this is more likely to make him town

to me it just seems performative

probably because it’s a trust tell and not actual meta

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with that said

i would shed zero tears if we yeeted cantaloupe

potentially post a crabrave in thread



me at mist

Keep talking

I enjoy talking with you

Give me quote from light you don’t like

Yoy said he’s making wolfy pushes

tbh thats why my vote is staying on Cantaloupe atm

his elusiveness around Arete`s questions earlier was EV- aswell and its still something i have kept in mind regarding the slot

him not doing it made him close to lock wolf

since he did it that removes the lock part

also what Mist said

how does doing it after people pointed out he wasn’t doing it mean anything

Wait he did it after he was pointed out

i dont like the way he jumped onto marl after i brought the contradiction up

he pretty much just restated my reasoning in a way that was worded to sound original if that makes sense

i also dont believe that he legit thought ici was lacking if he couldn’t understand ici’s iso

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okay so

when Mist said ‘trust tell’ did that mean anything to you

what does that mean