[FM] Yes, We Can’t Have Nice Things Because This Is A Clown Fiesta Sequel ENDGAME [3/22]

Jest or lolcat play no way is this anything else

You guys have never seen cob

if mist was a wolf here she’d have posted like 20 times and half of them would just be them ruthlessly exposing to the world how i’m not actually as funny as i think i am

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This is not his villa meta

yes, it is i. cob
my identity has been expose

see previous answer if you want to know how

I have played with scum Mist before and she was much less bolder than this so I’ll take that as possible town

Granted mist was on an alt so idk if that changes anything :woman_shrugging:

i thought this was kinda bad since it was discrediting but thats a weak read

you did this when i said the people in-thread were wolfy and it felt like an attempt to throw shade on me instead of engaging with me on my feelings regarding those players

did this in response to me saying i wolfread conduit, more shadethrowing without basis

response to me saying one of your posts was wolfy instead of actually engaging me on it (which is probably justifiable since i didnt give you anything to really engage with)

i will restate my earlier position that while cob may be
probably a wolf
killing him today is pointless and nets us no information or useful vca

we have itas for a reason

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dota? is you?


literally putting MEMEPOSTS

I said out of context

it’d be as pointless as killing mot today, but somehow worse, since cob might be a villager

Town has 4 letters in it

misTyx fourth letter in Mistyx is T

T stands for town

therefore mist is town

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emilia is probably villaging tbh

i dont even think we can kill mot so

yeah, as stated earlier, ITA em

Min is about to implode I see.

You don’t know what intent I had behind those posts and they’re all blatantly wrong