[FM] Yes, We Can’t Have Nice Things Because This Is A Clown Fiesta Sequel ENDGAME [3/22]


well, put it in now then i guess

I’m disappointed the minecraft girlfriend hasn’t been purchased yet

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This… presumably made it turn out to be a net postiive, since the vanillaisation would be a lot more dangerous if we didn’t know who was doing it

This is going to be one of my purchases if I don’t get enough money before I manage to buy Tess Ardent’s Autobiography


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are you really just going to buy all the items themed after you specifically with no regard to whether they’re good or not

I’m doing exactly that. LMAO.

admittedly the gamer girl bathwater wasn’t kyo-specific but i mean
come on

oh it definitely was


Canta never said he bought it in thread though

Or am i blind again

I’m like 99% sure he did

I remember canta buying it when I asked them if they were openwolfing


Okay cool

just making sure

okay honestly this EoD is just going to be “the gang kills cob” so
i don’t feel the need to be on for it. i’d rather spend time with my family.
for some reason.

i love how people aren’t even buying the antidote

I got class in half an hour, and that leads into EoD most likely

so similar boat

quickhammer pogchamp

glad to see we’ve got our purchasing priorities right