[FM] Yes, We Can’t Have Nice Things Because This Is A Clown Fiesta Sequel ENDGAME [3/22]

I dont have the cash for it

its why i bought the banana

cause its all i had

I’m like pretty sure that if the mafia have any sort of ITA immunity ability they’ve used it on canta by now
Which is why I don’t really want to shoot canta especially if they’re already a steady wagon anyway
So I’d rather ITA outside of them

even if I hadn’t bought oko earlier I couldn’t afford it. i want it purchased but that’s besides the point


is that why Mot is casting Matador abilites

to give ITA dodge to wolves

i know

scorching take

canta hasn’t been ITA’d enough to assume that he has immunity i’m pretty sure
what’s the success chance

we don’t know but standard default hit percent is 15%

i have no clue

and it ranges based upon political party

that’s like, in mafia games in general
unfortunately politics is interfering

the real reason why politics bad

Okay fuck it
/ita min, I have no other reason that CFTWR in the mist argument

Action first, justification later, of course


epiphenomenalism moment

oh well worth a try I suppose

was the only ITA from a player to actually hit today from cob


and Mot

who killed Marl

But thats an Alt

I said from a player

I don’t think inclusion of alts changes anything

I feel like Marl’s role wasn’t supposed to die immediately

I don’t know, even after read gay mafia 3 I still get more JoJo min vibes from min here

Mot ITA’d marl at SoD.
The two of us clearly have the best aim.