[FM] Yes, We Can’t Have Nice Things Because This Is A Clown Fiesta Sequel ENDGAME [3/22]


what’s a good score for tetris

my eyes hurt from Tetris now

someone gave me a gun, not sure who


SoD it should have been revealed that ‘The Dead Rose last night’



google says “Dead Rose” is a song, and that dead roses symbolize “sadness, the end of a relationship, something broken.”

ive got bad news
ive been cheating on you, Leafia.


are you saying you just played a 30 minute game of tetris WHAT

no it was about 15 minutes

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I played 3 times then I got bored

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Hnnng I’m not good at tetris

Why is this website so shitty wtf

If you rotate something then drop it it moves it and reverts it

That’s a Tetris thing

I’m on mobile and I’m not downloading a whole ass app :joy_cat:

That’s a Stupid thing

oh Tetris

this is my main game

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