[FM] Yes, We Can’t Have Nice Things Because This Is A Clown Fiesta Sequel ENDGAME [3/22]

when does this end and do we have infinite submissions

It ends at EoD and you get infinite submission

I just messed up a good game really bad

Cob was mafia actually. It was in his card.

both that statement and the one you responded to are correct

cob is scum in my heart though

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Ah, of course, mafia have to kill themselves to win. That’s why he self voted. :^)

Anyone greencheck me yet? Also, anyone opposed to a Gorta shot?

My reasoning is that he’s trying hard to keep me being a mislynch option for when I get greenchecked and town has absolutely no reason to do that.

Heres the problem with the thunderdone, if we assume that Electra’s flip was real, there is one main issue which was the fact Electra’s flip had no wincon and recall that Electra started trying/looking over the thread after he got his rolecard, if he had no wincon, there’s really no motivation for him to start making anything game-related.

It’s why it is very easy to assume that Electra’s flip was altered. Why would scum do this? From my best guess, it was to frame Electra as a wolf (doesn’t matter what position he was socially) and this is assuming that the flip alterer or janitor forgot to add abilities and a wincon which is very much possible.

From my theory, I think Eli is lying.

/vote Eli

oh yeahhhhhh

electra was hinted at having tentacles of some sort or something in the dungeon event

so whoever said they were some sort of lovecraft entity was probably telling the truth

wait there was a dungeon event?

Okay, and you’re assuming the janitor has that choice in the first place.


me bliz and sulitdra got sent to tomb of bruh moments

apparently we all escaped or something

I think it’s incredibly plausible mafia’s janitor is just ‘Turn a player’s card into Herobrine when they flip.’
Anything more would be absurdly powerful
Town flipping ‘scum’ is already broken in itself

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jokes aside I do actually have a gun

and I asked geyde, he told me it can be used anytime

If I’m correct, I now have a 1 shot day/nightvig lol

If we can agree on who to use it on, I’m totally fine with shooting there

shoot mot

and do it like

right now before they can shoot

I’ll shoot mot. I trust you. /Ita mot
