[FM] Yes, We Can’t Have Nice Things Because This Is A Clown Fiesta Sequel ENDGAME [3/22]


meant dayvig but okay

if this hits we can discuss the dayvig

Weren’t you just scumreading Mist?
What’s made you change your mind?

What went on after the shot.

well then nvm.

/vote Gorta

/vote Gorta @Geyde

Before I forget.

oh look eli liked the post i made with a technoblade reference

what a shock


Is there any reason to assume Mot isn’t just unkillable, and we won’t potentially just be wasting a dayvig?

oh and also
i get the feeling Electra had some sort of investigation immuntiy.
because i used a flavorcop and got completely normal results

as otherwise lots of ITA’s would undoubtedly be stupidly OP

My suspicion is that it’s controlled by someone like Alice’s NPCs in CFM2 and that we need to kill the holder to kill mot but that’s just theory
But I’m not going to shoot mot

umm why?

janitor just changes the flip

deathproof scum that gets more powerful as time passes is not fun at all


Eli did you use your flavour cop last night

IDC about the result I just want to know if you used it

Janitor =/= changing details about the flip
It just covers up the flip
… with herobrine text.

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My worry is that it literally will be immune to my dayvig and :joy_cat::joy_cat: shot will be wasted

a combination of the following

  1. i couldn’t find any results for “Glythorp”, and neither could ici.
  2. i used a flavor cop last night, and it had the same format of results, but with an actually intelligible answer


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What answer did you get? Also, Electea is dead?

yes, they are