[FM] Yes, We Can’t Have Nice Things Because This Is A Clown Fiesta Sequel ENDGAME [3/22]

You dare challenge me, mortal?

anyone want to rock paper scissor

Truth tells were touched on by Visor earlier; essentially, if you state game after game that you only do certain things as an alignment (easy example where you only say the words “I’m town” as the town alignment and never as mafia), then people will start taking that as seriously as a cop check! This causes obvious issues where people become innocent/guilty childs based on non-role essentially outside-game information, making it unfair for both alignments, and is why they are not acceptable to do in games!!

Noting that this is different from simply playing differently as separate alignments meta-wise, one of the major distinctions of which that truth tells are generally purposely created to be truth tells!! Again, can be difficult to navigate so please do ask if you’re unsure!!!

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disclaimer I copied this directly from something a mod on MU wrote


This is the first time i think i have heard of truth tells


does someone wanna catch me up

paying 0 attention

so truth tells are like a meta thing

You have to wield those carefully, though.

ok but i still don’t see how it applied how he only did it after someone pointed out he wasn’t doing it
does that not just nullify its effect

I feel like I should clarify at this point that trust tells are banned basically everywhere

before someone gets the bright idea to give themself one

I don’t even think he’s town

I just don’t have him as literally lock wolf

and no, it wouldn’t really be a trust tell if you stopped doing it after being called out

Gonna say vul W(brave I know) since his behavior here is not consistent with the soft.

@min what were the reasons for these?

wolf post

They were quick reads I had

Literally isn’t

based on what?

My opinion on some of the people that were in thread at the time

(Based on what heehee)


You people need to get better at rock paper scissors, seriously