[FM] Yes, We Can’t Have Nice Things Because This Is A Clown Fiesta Sequel ENDGAME [3/22]

The pop singer?
Or that mod off of Slay the Spire?

Marina and the Diamonds?



smh my head kyo I thought you were a gaga Stan cmon


also for cred

does my ability not exist

is that the joke behind it

wait but I don’t see a marina and a diamonds reference anywhere

The problem with these awards is that I can’t actually be bothered to vote and I almost forgot about voting again

@Geyde what did my abilities do exactly

my alt name was Electra Heart and my pfp was literally a marina Pepe

how more obvious do I need to make this

Bubblegum Bitch’s album is Electra Heart???
Omg I didn’t notice

And Primadonna?


“welcome to the life of electraheart”

I knew I heard it somewhere

And of course, the one and only “This is how to be a Heartbreaker”

str - 60% ita
def - 50% bulletproof
agi - 25% action dodge / 25% ita

okay that’s not too bad
did I ever dodge any actions or were my abilities ever used except for the ITA on icibalus

you never dodged anything

that seems super strong given you can use 2 at once

kyo stacced

The 60% ITA only procced once out of two times and no other ability did
It wasn’t really that powerful
Though it was entirely RNG which was entirely how I won RPS

it is super strong

50% bulletproof + 25% action dodge means you’d survive 63.5% of night attacks

and if you survive one you’re not super likely to get attacked again tbh

also 60% ITA is stonks