[FM] Zombie Arapocalypse Mafia - Game Thread - Canned

Yeah. I’ll take you with me then.

/vote FK

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I’ve been making my reads delbierately shit so the wolves won’t kill me. Big brain strats here. :^)


Posting this here because NP seems to have already forgotten about it

I been playing so anti town so they won’t kill me either lmao :rofl:

I’m tempted to vote FK because not sharing info is certainly scummy.
But HTM actively didn’t help us yesterday when they were told 2 different places to pick between and did neither.

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I’ll give you information if you give me food or medicine


/vote Htm

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This is htm we’re talking about. That proves nothing.

Me haz no meta on Htm.

Don’t have any medicine anymore and you die if I don’t give you food.

So I’ll give YOU the choice. Tell us the info and you may get food.
Don’t and I won’t ever give you any.
I will give anyone else it first.

htm forgot to submit their night action 3 nights in a row in Liar, and has a habit of forgetting to do things or just doing really stupid things intead

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One problem: Cheeki also has 4 food and Magnus has 2.


if I die the information is gone. :man_shrugging:

Can confirm this is normal for HTM

That’s not a problem?
Magnus and Cheeki are high in my townreads.
Cheeki can give off their food before they die if they fail to find meds.

I forgot to submit my action for the first night phase :frowning:

It’s ocurred to me that eating might be a good idea.

This is zombie apocalypse. “Forgetting night action” equals “you can die alright”.

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I traded my information to mod the zombie for a piece of scrap this is awesome

Assuming this is true that’s 2/5 of the way to greenhouse.

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