[FM] Zombie Arapocalypse Mafia - Game Thread - Canned

Oi Das 2.0, living on to spring means to eliminate scum. ISO eevee for proof.


If Iā€™m being pocketed by a scum!FK, then at least I am proud of not listening to a Das 2.0.

Chapter 2: Verdant Wind

Next up, is confidence. Where the fuck is Littenā€™s confidence this game? Why is Litten so unconfident?

He had this big theory that I was a wolf with htm and sulit (lol, imagine me being wolf with the guy I deathtunneled D1) but me questioning him on why he reversed his read on htm suddenly made him turn around and reverse a theory that he apparently believed in, suddenly moving to the scenario with less wolves in it.

Again, none of this is wolfy on itsā€™ own; itā€™s just questionable. But again. look closer, and keep in mind that Litten is incredibly predictable this game, far more than they usually are, which is once again not neccecarily wolfy, but now weā€™re starting to notice a pattern.

What, havenā€™t you noticed it?

The pattern, of course, is that this is obviously all bullshit. Ignore that itā€™s Litten weā€™re talking about. Litten has 1200 posts and his positions are weak and he isnā€™t being confident. How is that villagery? Itā€™s not like this is an especially difficult game, we are playing on ToL here, and yet Littenā€™s like ā€œoh my god everythingā€™s so difficult aaaaaaaa but ninja and ici are wolves btwā€

Litten is ostensibly unconfident and yet heā€™s going for two of like 3 slots that arenā€™t LHF. Litten is ostensibly unpredictable and yet heā€™s been found next to every dead villager going ā€œhow could Icibalus do this?ā€ like heā€™s a character from a meme.

If youā€™re unconvinced, if you think that Iā€™m just tinfoiling, then let me nail in the damning evidence: This is how Litten wolfs. Look at this ISO from MU Anniversary: https://www.mafiauniverse.com/forums/search.php?searchid=4001375&pp=50

Heā€™s acting like ā€œoh look at me I donā€™t know anythingā€ but heā€™s posting a shit ton, heā€™s doing weird gimmicky shit that ultimately turns out to be inconsequential. Why is he doing this? Because itā€™s like a magic trick. The closer you look, the less you see. Just donā€™t bother reading him, chance says heā€™s v. Wagonomics says heā€™s v. Heā€™s posting a lot, he has to be v.

But heā€™s not. Itā€™s an illusion. Heā€™s just posting for the sake of posting, creating a narrative of a perpetually nervous litten, occasionally making little patches where he suddenly pulls out elaborate icibalusesque arguments, like where he brings up his tendency to have panic attacks in wolfchat to create sympathy, despite the fact that this is both self-meta and AtE.

also, his interactions with Jake are pretty fucking bad
would reccomend lynching him



Calling all hands, LITTEN IS A WOLF.
This whole game only makes sense if Litten is a wolf.
Vote Litten with me.

/Vote Firekitten

This argument is bullshit because itā€™s expecting me to play serious this game, when I havenā€™t been hunting wolves and have only been trying to escape to Canada.

*sips imaginary tea*
Argument denied. Reason; VCF-ingMafia.

wow youā€™re really rejecting the crux of my argument there and not at all nitpicking a veichle to arrive at my point

dat has a semi truck can you even read

The whole point is that you have been playing seriously this game, because if you werenā€™t you wouldnā€™t be so fucking predictable.

If you really were ā€œlol this isnā€™t mafiaā€ youā€™d be openly fucking with us way more that you have been, which indicates an agenda and the fact that you think that this is mafia despite appearances.

Iā€™m been predictable because I had two things I needed to push this game. My personal win condition and a way to escape to Canada. I straight up looked on a map to see which place would have the least amount of zombies thatā€™s near Canada border so we can travel there, because Canada canā€™t guard the entire border and instead would guard the most populated places. I calculated how much fuel it would take to get to Canada AND I looked at what places snow near Canada to get a hint of where we are. I have been playing MY game, not your game and thatā€™s why you think Iā€™m a wolf

I have been tucking with you just ask hippo lmao


Chapter 3: Blue Moon

Litten just did exactly what I expected him to do: To suddenly start talking to me, somebody who he apparently reads as w, as if I understood exactly how he played. Essentially, to try and pocket me.

I have played lots of games with w!Litten, and one of his most classic tells is to go and be like ā€œlisten Icibalus I am telling you that Iā€™m a villager because [illogical self-meta fallacy]ā€ but to talk to me as if ā€œoh youā€™re pushing me, I guess you have to be a villager because only v!ici has contradictory opinions on iciā€, to try and get me to think about him too much, to try and pocket me.

I have been observing this over months, and it has to be a pattern: Wolf Litten pockets me by trying to manufacture mindmelds, because he knows how much I like reading people who mindmeld with me v. He dosenā€™t do this kind of shit when heā€™s a villager.

He is a wolf.

This is even more bullshit, I straight up told you what I was doing this game and why I was doing it and you proceed to use meta that has nothing to do with forum mafia because this is NOT MAFIA.

Iā€™m not a villager. Iā€™m a survivor.

This isnā€™t an argument, Litten, itā€™s a series of contradictions.

Yes it is Icibalus. Itā€™s ENTIRELY based on the premise of me doing something always as a wolf and never as a wolf and always doing this as a village and never as a wolf. Your entire premise for the argument is FALSE. Itā€™s like you are in a roleplay and you then gave me that argument about why people should lynch me. This isnā€™t mafia. This is a MISC GAME. Iā€™m defending myself from you because Iā€™m SO close to winning the game by escaping to Canada but people still canā€™t see that I have been trying to go to Canada all game and that I want nothing to do with them.

You are preventing me from escaping to Canada. There is literally a CAR that datbird has that can take me to the border. Fossil has a rocket launcher, Simon has a way to convince them to let us in, we have a giant semi truck to smash through the fence if all else fails. I have a can of gas.

The real question is, why are YOU preventing me from winning this game. Why are you pushing on me after seeing Iā€™m THIS close to winning this game. Do you like to see suffering? Do you like to see a angry Litten? Thatā€™s entirely what you are going to see when Iā€™m this close and I get lynched.

If I die this game Icibalus thereā€™s PKR, Hippo, And Hjaisk who will all make sure you die right after me. Thereā€™s no reason you should be pushing me when I have an escape plan right here and I have been building it all game. The only reason that I can think of you having for still pushing me at this point is to have a win condition of not allowing people to escape by a semi truck. Because I have been obvious Survivor (not villager) with me trying to escape all game.

@Boss110 get back in here and face me coward