[FM] Zombie Arapocalypse Mafia - Game Thread - Canned

you need to use the mechanics to protect yourself from the traitors.
you can isolate yourself and your plans so they cant interfere, so you can progress toward a wincon, while also killing the traitors, making progress much easier, and making it much easier to survive

PKR said he would have let me escape since he was in team memesky. The third option is to form a group with scummy people and hope one is scum.

Simply Paranoia for no reason.

That everyone to be trusted, no that would be naive - however you have no reason to lynch someone who is volunteering to scavenge

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They could do that, since their win condition only required the counter to hit zero and one escaping would still allow it

Someone started a doomsday counter, so we knew there had to be traitors

But how?

Because Eevee told you?

yes, we most definitely do have motive to push traitors.
because they can scavenge but if it doesnt go to us then its useless, but also they can do damage in other ways

we were told there are traitors, and this isnt a bastard game

I mean, you expect that N1 will have traitors manage to kill a townie that quick with just bare hands?

Look at the injuries that causes during AP’s, they did this themselves.

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but they can injure
they cant really kill, but thats not the harm

the harm is in how they can prevent us from meeting the wincon
which, to remind you, does not say we must kill traitors

removing our progress toward the cure, slashing the tires in our truck, etc.

Why would the traitors even try to stop the colony from making progress of the cure?

It’s like they are suddenly assholes.

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because they need to kill us???
or rather they need to kill enough of us, and the cure is an instant win for all of us

Yes but why?

Why can’t they just leave if they don’t think the survival is in the odds in colony?

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Why try to damage the survival odds?

what do you mean??
why would they kill us? so they can win (or rather so we cant win)
And again, if we got the cure its an instant win, full stop
traitors or no, injuries or no, its a win for all living town (not counting personal wincons)
if we get the cure before the traitors win, they lose.
thus, they want to kill us and take our progress toward winning. perhaps theyd let a couple people win via canada but the other two are for the colony as a whole and thus they would have to stop

So they want the world to burn?

what the hell.

not sure whats going on here?
flavor doesnt matter this much; it isnt an rp

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