[FM] Zombie Arapocalypse Mafia - Game Thread - Canned

Y’all can meta read me if you want, I won’t comment on my own metas, but I will say, whatever they are, they are probably different as, due to the mechanics in this fm, I have almost entirely different strategies and focuses. And I believe I would have these even if I had the other alignment.

There’s 21 people isn’t majority 11?

1, for almost any wincon you can act town while also achieving your wincon.
2, assuming none of the wincons have a time limit, which would be bs, its in everyone’s best interest to not side with scum, as ones wincon can still be achieved near the end. If anything people would/should be a true neutral, siding with no one (and I mean that they wouldn’t be siding with anyone at all, not swapping between who theyre siding with), until the very end

I don’t see what he’s doing as scummy. It’s logical consistency. He’s using his logic from our point of view, where he could be town or traitor. It’s just good logical practice

Eh, its still possible to read someone talking about mehanical stuff, it’s just a bit different. The content matters much more, rather than how they speak or how they act as a whole. Those still matter, it’s just weighted more on the content side than in normal reading

It is possible to go about completing an anti-town wincon in a way which still helps town, if In a different way

The wincon doesn’t explicitly say we need to kill traitors, and depending on which one we do, I think we might not have to kill all of them. This isn’t to say we shouldn’t Lynch traitors, we still should do that, just that we shouldn’t necessarily have to worry about getting all of them

Highly doubtful. The zombies could still get us if we don’t do it right

That’s not what he said fk and you know it. I know it was a joke but he said he needs to kill a traitor. That could be a slip but it could just as easily be a weird way of saying he wants to kill traitors too

You have to do both.

A lot of that seems to be because fk kept repeatedly saying he is scum without further content, and so he responded in kind, saying he isn’t scum without further content

The power move is to acknowledge the self meta before they can so you can later claim it as NAI

Oh I also have the true answer to this riddle, as true as it can get.

I understand the context, but it isn’t a townie reply in my eyes.

Fk could you please explain why you believe htm is scum, only using evidence from before you called him out?

Can I make my reads now?


The correct answer was you were not getting hung because from the judge statement you can’t be hung in surprise. Because of that, you can’t be hung on a Friday because if you weren’t hung on Thursday it’s no longer a surprise. However because you can’t be hung on a Friday and if Wednesday comes then it will be no longer a surprise so you can’t be hung on a Thursday

The loop repeats

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They were pretty clearly angleshooting to get themselves clear. That’s always a modkill.

What about it felt out of his scumrange?

Still staying at the colony.

None of htm’s posts feel AI at all to me tbh. Almost like reading a Bunnelby ISO in that you want to read them scum on gut but nothing at all there actually justifies it.


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Now I feel dumb


/vote nolynch

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Because I have no incentive to lynch scum yet.

In fact, I have less incentive because there’s a chance we lynch town, lowering the doomsday clock.


Wouldn’t be opposed to a no lynch

yeah no sulit, we’re having a lynch today 100%

Incorrect. Were he to believe this he could be hanged on Wednesday and be completely surprised.
The true answer is that he will be hanged sometime between Monday and Thursday and that beyond that, he cannot know

I’ve got a riddle FK you’re getting your ability upgraded on some day of the week but it’s a surprise because you have to be left alone. Why is Sulit aligned with the town?

I’m going off on my own suckas

That’s actually a good idea.

Trick question he isn’t aligned with town

I’m a survivor dummy