[FM] Zombie Arapocalypse Mafia - Game Thread - Canned

I’m going to become a mole

Gather a bunch of food

Bury into the ground

And wait

Anyway I’m going to continue my reads

So stop distracting me with riddles.

But he can’t be hung on Wednesday, because if Tuesday was passed he would know he would have to be hung on Wednesday

traitors literally will not comply with anything town wants them to do, they find guns? they’ll hoard it for themselves. find scrap? hoard and use against us. we need to weed out the traitor as early as possible, we don’t, they can find themselves controlling town.

This is still partially FM, so we can’t lie around on our asses during the day talking about how spooky the hospital will be lol

I don’t really care about traitors tbh

If we aren’t done with the htm wagon then:
I refuse to vote htm until and unless fk can provide his reasons for suspecting htm, using evidence, and with that evidence only coming from before he called htm out

…right. Didn’t think about that. My bad.

Got it.

Seems ridiculous you are asking me to provide evidence for why we should lynch someone smh

No he wouldn’t know that. He would know he would either be hanged on a Wednesday or a Thursday, and not know which day until Wednesday itself

@Cheeki, why did your DasModel read go from scumlean to townie?

Your push on him started from essentially no where in my eyes and has been supported purely from how htm reacted to being pestered constantly

because I reread some of their earlier posts, and i mean for gods sakes they practically hardclaimed, besides just asking for weapons in a ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE isn’t that suspicious to me

After this is all over I’m going to write a book

How to Survive: With Sulit

/No Lynch

I’m moving to Canada with my wife hippo

…alright then.

I guess?

Still I don’t think they should be a priority, a few less people doesn’t really do much imo. Plus most of the survivors don’t care about traitors for their wincon.

Ride in my magic school bus

We will provide the gas

Yes yes

So now your just leaving the htm wagon?