[FM] Zombie Arapocalypse Mafia - Game Thread - Canned

Now they won’t yell at me again because I punched em

Why are we wasting a resource?
Sulit, be them town or scum would have to cooperate here if I let them out.
I’m essentially getting a free favour and person to command.

Did anyone send anything in their PMs to yell at someone?

Honestly I’ll probably just run off on my own if you let me out

Assuming unlocking them doesn’t cost an action.

Then you do it, and you issue their ‘commands’. Anything bad that sulit does is on you if you let them out ok?

If I’m not near the big group there’s no chance traitors can get me

I try and be nice then you go and do this…

And it’ll be easier to get to Canada or survive by myself

@eevee I rescind my request to let sulit out. Keep them in there, perhaps bolt it up or place some strong metal around to prevent escape.

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I don’t have to share stuff

I’m gonna break through

@Cheeki I tried to be nice, net us a resource to help with the air drop.
But I was mistaken, perhaps I was foolish to consider that. My apologies.
I hope that doesn’t make me scummy, I only had the best of intentions.

I have some information I could share if you let me out

Well, I am always going to assume that everything I’ve done so far is for the sake of helping town obviously. What I am trying to say is, isn’t it you people job to figure out whenever I am town or not? What I need to do is finding scum/town and not to explaining to others why I am one

That took you a while to type

Around 15 minutes?


I think I’d rather us get your information post-flip.

It’s not something you can get after my flip