[FM] Zombie Arapocalypse Mafia - Game Thread - Canned

How will they survive without food, water, and all the other stuff?

They will have to work with us.

At least for early game.

That could change later on.


Also going back to the Hippo ISO

Reminder: This is an empty promise. Some people, whether they are town or scum, will deviate from this plan. Soā€¦ donā€™t be surprised if anyone goes anywhere else.
This is just done so that we have an overview at the generalized plan.

--- --- ---

Visiting Chart
Player Location Notes
astand ???
BlueStorm Colony
Boss110 Supermarket
Cheeki Air Drop
DasModel Police Station
Firekitten Gas Station
Fossil Police Station
H_Hja Library Supplies
Hippolytus Gas Station
Htm Air Drop
Icibalus Library Supplies
Magnus Hospital Nurse; Double Supplies
NinjaPenguin Colony Because I feel like it
PokemonKidRyan Hospital I can run for supplies in case people get injured
Simon ??? Claims to have a plan
SirDerpsALot Supermarket
sulit ???
WazzaAzza Library Supplies
Zone_Q11 ???

--- --- ---

Locations Zombies Amount Players
Colony SAFE (2/21) NP, Blue
Library FEW (3/4) Wazza, Ici, Hja
Hospital SOME (2/5) Magnus, PKR
Gas Station SOME (2/3) FK, Hippo
Police Station SOME (2/4) Fossil, Das
Supermarket MANY (2/4) Derps, Boss
School MANY (0/5)
Air Drop (EVENT) MANY (2/4) Cheeki, Htm

--- --- ---

Unofficial VC

DasModel - 7 - Zone, Hja, Hippo, sulit, Wazza, Fossil, Cheeki, FK
sulit - 4 - Ici, astand, Simon, Hippo, Cheeki, Hja, PKR
Boss110 - 1 - NP, FK
Firekitten - 1 - PKR, Hja, astand, Zone, Zone
H_Hja - 1 - Boss, NP

BlueStorm - 0 - Hippo, Hippo
Cheeki - 0 - Htm
Hippolytus - 0 - Zone, Cheeki, Htm
Htm - 0 - FK, Zone, Hippo, FK, Cheeki
Icibalus - 0 - sulit
Lymphoma - 0 - Hippo
Magnus - 0 - Wazza
NinjaPenguin - 0 - Zone
No Lynch - 0 - sulit, FK, Htm
PokemonKidRyan - 0 - FK
SirDerpsALot - 0 - astand, Hippo
WazzaAzza - 0 - Poss

Possessed - 4 - Hippo, sulit, NP, Cheeki

Majority is reached upon 11 votes.

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Alright. The reaction test is over. Heā€™s not particularly a good player, but I have determined that DasModel is a town. Heā€™s weak as hell, especially when he doesnā€™t even vote, and uses mechanics instead of arguments, and he doesnā€™t even try to attack anyoneā€¦ but I have deemed him to be town.

Now then, moving on to the real sheep:

/vote Firekitten

@NinjaPenguin, I sure as heck donā€™t see what you could possibly see in FK, but you are very scummy for not even participating properly in this game.

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See, my main logic in not cooperating with the whole group is that a) that makes it harder for traitors to hurt me and b) I donā€™t have to worry about other people

But I guess itā€™d be beneficial to have some kind of contact, however itā€™s a terrible plan to lay out perfectly to scum where everyoneā€™s going

Can the colony get invaded by zombies or no?

It can

Then we should probably have some people stay there to protect it.

We need a brave lion to protect it

but why??

@Emilia, @Hippolytus, @Wazza, @Fossil
I am trusting you to change your votes to FK. I know that you wonā€™t all listen to me, but I am still asking you four regardless.

Why only those 4

Nah Iā€™d rather go to the hospital tbh.

/vote Firekitten

Wait why?

These are all reasons why you shouldnt townread someone, especially a newbie??

Why are you voting FK he is probably town

what a surprise das instantly votes him without question

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Tbf here.

I think my ISO is probably outdated already. FKā€™s recent posts from quickreading, have just been sort of statements and he did sheep the Das wagon soā€¦ I should prob do an ISO on his recent posts (I wish that I could ISO everyone in a second.