[FM] Zombie Arapocalypse Mafia - Game Thread - Canned

We’ve already discussed this, zombies are NPCs probably.


Read the OP.

It actually helps sometimes. And I know this is hypocritical but I really doubt Eevee would put Zombie Wolves in the game unless they were a Neutral Class.

Which we don’t seem to have.



Brains? Where
Zombies? There
Hotel? Trivago


Im going gas station, any “young” characters should come with me.

Hippo do you have a husband

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The problem is that you’re making assumptions.

What if the wolves don’t have a chef, but instead one of them knows the location of a hidden strongbox and has the key to that box, which contains tons and tons of food?

What if the wolves have a ninja, who knows how to palm strike people in a way that knocks them unconcious, and is also a master of stealth?

What if the wolves don’t have a way to strongman kills at all, but instead they have a little kid who is excellent at hiding after attracting zombies, or something like that?

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I don’t believe in ANY of those roles, but I’m sure eevee believed that putting something ridiculous like that in his game, especially since our rolecard’s images are from a board game called Dead of Winter and all 3 of those characters could theoretically appear in that game.

Cool library tonight?

Hell, maybe MALL SANTA is a wolf.

He has the ability to make you not question aspects of whatever he gives you because he’s a nice trustworthy mall santa, but is really out to murder you.


And before people call me a hypocrite for talking about mechanics, I’m doing this kind of thing to try and convince somebody I think is a villager that we can’t make any assumptions in terms of the mechanical aspects this game, simply because of the sheer range of outlandish possibilities.

Another reason why mechanical speculation is pretty much pointless, by the way.

I’m going to go grab a shotgun from the Police Station so nobody can make bad vig shots except me.

I lose my power if im alone with hub. Not v feminist.

My power is upgraded if I’m alone with you.

Honestly everyone who is going straight to police station to get the guns Im sus of lol. Like 10 ppl said they were going there.

ill stop you, thats my shotgun you bastard

I completely forgot that we can find Food and consequently they do not need a Chef to live.

I don’t know

That would be funny.