[FM] Zombie Arapocalypse Mafia - Game Thread - Canned

I got confused. So, when do we choose who goes where?

Choose where youā€™re going.
Do /go [place] in your Traitor Chat ClassCard.

You can submit right now and youā€™ll go there the start of action phase. You can do two actions each phase. Thereā€™s two phases.

Unless Eevee came and dragged me down to zombie land


Iā€™ll get 4 hospital items lol.


Iā€™ll go to the gas station, then.

Going to bed.

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Simonā€™s here, rally to our leader!

Hi and goodnight.

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can yall count?
assuming no one stays at the colony, all but 3 locations max must be filled completely

wait what what event

the reason, game balance wise, why weā€™re not supposed to claim our personaly wincons is so that we cant super organize. theres a large amount of town, so it would be easy enough to get almost everyoneā€™s personal goals in the first few days, and then after that its hole up in the colony, send some people to the super market, and find/kill traitors

there are traitors its in the op

so there is one traitor who needs to kill another traitor? nice

boy its okay he gave us info, hes just protecting himself and his future claimspace. its the logical thing to do imo, regardless of alignment

also we should send 4 to the supermarket, but have only 3 of them collect food, and the other fight the bomb-eaters


Sorry for being inactive for a while.

Was busy irl stuff when this started. Going to be more active in a sec

Why do I immediately want to risk my life and go into an area which has a lot of zombies already?

because if we dont the amount of zombies will get even larger and eventually those locations will become infested to the point where we cant risk entering, and get worse faster than we get better gear

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Or we can stay here and hoard food?

then the traitors and lack of subgoals being reached gets us.

The doctor keeps us alive!

Hello. Iā€™m alive. But dead tired. Iā€™ll be back in the morning to read through everything.


Seems the game started and we already have information which is good.
Not too surprised by a zombie spawn event though.

Iā€™ll go to the hospital since I donā€™t start with anything thatā€™d let me fight zombies and I donā€™t think fists would work too well.

Thatā€™s true but we have some fairly safe places atm so shouldnā€™t go too risky until we find weapons to fight, right? We need to think what type of items we may be able to get at each location depending on how safe they are. Atm I think literally any of the middle ones is good (With ā€˜someā€™ zombies)

Library > Hospital, Gas Station, Police Station > Supermarket, School

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