FoL 19.5 - Dead Chat

I keep rereading ISO’s and I keep thinking it’s just ezkheaba whatever his name is

Cute alch isn’t MM she wouldn’t step up.

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That’s fair, I think it’s ezkhe his name then

Its said ezreal

I don’t think it’s Ez. He was too adamant that I was occ’d and he wouldn’t act like that if he were faking Butler. Cute is probably not the MM as well as she did step up. Still, was Hja a legit Assassin?

I honestly have no idea

Who do you think it is?

I was debating between baz and ez, and I’m pretty sure baz is replicating what he did in another scum game



just making sure cause

are they

Carnage applies to kills done by blue dragon as well correct?


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What’s your game plan waiting for the Prince or reviving me or some other magical stuff.

Need to know now so I can save what people said in th dead chat if you revive me.

@Alice up to you but its risk vs reward either way.

Alice will be hung tomorrow if they don’t revive you, trust me I know math

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True its hard to even tell what numbers unseen are at.

I’m just confirming things with Alice don’t wanna waste my time for nothing of course I can help Alice as much as I can dead but, what I’ve said is pretty much the extent of my knowledge right now.
How many Unseen is completely a mystery right now due to the circumstances

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Unseen are probably at 2 right now and will likely be at 3 tonight

that’s if I did my math correct

Hjaisk is probably defiled

Meaning there’s actually a MM and assassin and then they convert tonight

It depends if it was fool or not also I wouldn’t trust poss logs either way.

There wasn’t a fool, the only thing I know Isaac is telling the truth about is me