FoL 19.5 - Dead Chat

I’m sure we are at 2 right now but a lot of possibilities that could be true or not about the Flips.

Can’t fool disguise on flip?

people didn’t claim to be redirected even tho they were invests

Either way.

I think Alice Or Baz gets converted tonight, and that’s without the possibility of baz being mastermind. I think the lynch tomorrow should always be baz here

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princess would actually be helpful here

but of course they had to become king

if I was the Mm I always convert Alice here’s but I think less then half the people are competent about playing scum no offense

Would be a shame if Alice got converted tonight, does the ressirection get effected if I’m brought back hypothetically?

Nope. It won’t be

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That’s good I don’t want to suspect Alice hopefully something can prevent there conversion

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you just hung the court wizard tho


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Wait can soulcatcher bring back someone even if they revived as priest?

Actually yes.

That’s scary lmao

While that would confirm Alice as scum they would use it late game.

Of course I’m 99% sure Alice is priest unless unseen hasn’t been killed and all the Flips are fake and somehow unseen got Alice converted n1

BD would lose majority if Alice revived someone as soul catcher and killed an assassin.

Right now we have about 2 unseen 2 claimed scum neutrals and then that would be 6 scum if they revived someone

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why tf is the class so broken

Priest is powerful but yet being converted is even worse for us

Dealing with 4 faction members is hell


Sheriff can scout right?