FoL 19.5 - Dead Chat

Depends, I like interesting classes but when it makes the balance all wacky and crap then I can agree with you

I go in with a mindset of more just for fun with Fol instead of serious mode.

But I generally play Forum games for fun

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As a heads up, Iā€™m reviving Soulshade tonight.

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Thanks Iā€™ll get to work saving mental notes and all the text tonight then

Baby shark doo doo

Soul when you get revived donā€™t forget to tell everyone

What do you want me to tell everyone please sumirise everything you want me to say

Math needs to bleed or to be hung
Ezkerial is probably the Mm, if it isnā€™t that itā€™s baz
Iā€™m actually a good king

Basically pressure baz and the guy I canā€™t ever remember

and tell math heā€™s an idiot /s

@Soulshade55r like this if you understand

Do you have any other questions?

Also tell people that hjaisk was an sellsword or whatever he claimed

Wow rude

math is a coin

he lands on tails 50% of the time and destroys scum
He lands on heads 50% of the time and destroys town

doesnā€™t matter his alignment :wink:

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@Soulshade55r wait I think itā€™s cupcake

I donā€™t think itā€™s baz

@Soulshade55r this is the summary I want you to give

Cupcake or Exkerhak is probably the MM
Iā€™m good king
Math needs to bleed someone

You should probably hang ekzkahjah wbatever he is called and happy hour cupcake

Alright Iā€™ve got what you said now, Iā€™ll try my best for youā€¦

Hoping you are good king but I feel its more then likely you are Gk

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soul if the game doesnā€™t end tomorrow Iā€™ll be super sad and disappointed in you

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the more that I think about it the more I think itā€™s eznkqjahhqi whatever heā€™s called

Just hang him tomorrow and it should be gg