FoL 19.5 - Dead Chat

*Yep, actually would be my first convert target now that I think about it

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Need to be in more Fols they are fun but not super balanced but conversion makes it unique

Thatā€™s good, letā€™s hope Alice is being scouted.

Tbh there arenā€™t enough FOLS to know if itā€™s valanced as we havenā€™t seen the rare cases as itā€™s incredibly time wasty to have one game

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Knowing frost they arenā€™t

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True, I like fun roles and stuff but balance is also important

I consider Fol bastard even if its standard here.

at this point just execute all the guys who claimed scum in jail and just start lynching for the mm

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Itā€™s techncially not bastard since itā€™s a semi open setup, however if we ran it as a closed setup somewhere else I expect to be banned

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Omega banne.

Priest is a power class like prince

Generally power classes shouldnā€™t roll randomly. But because of the conversion and crap it does.

what was meteor before they were converted

Wait I think meteoro has to be the original assassin or else they would claim their original class

Meaning Isaac actually told the truth


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Donā€™t get me wrong I like Fol but itā€™s not balanced never will be its a unique but unbalanced set up still better then Citizen vs goons which is true balance imo

I disagree cits vs goon is fun

Nah it gets boring I only like being citizen to bait others to me. Thatā€™s impossible in a game where its all cit

Death tunneling someone and being right is the best experience

Death tunneling and being wrong is the worst experience

Death tunneling a guy checked as scum ten times isnā€™t as exciting

Playing in my games then trying to rely on mechanics is the worst experience

Iā€™ll make a setup with a rolecop and 9 towngod fathers to spite you