FoL 19.5 - Dead Chat

No, it’s not, those limits were set back more for exactly the same reason that there wouldn’t be an arbitrary limit on bleeding day 1. The players themselves have more time to make an informed decision and they are generally more experienced, so we don’t need to put noob limits on abilities.

But the Prince WAS able to execute earlier.

What the fuck are you on?

Yea and that change makes it a lot worse, for no discernible benefit?

That is literally what I was answering too.

Bleeding d1 is just weird since there are no trials by that time. Like day abilities other than things like prince just shouldn’t be usable d1

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Remember rotbd when marg yolo exed MM N1

Wait I’m mixing my words up

I meant that it’s not useable N1

It makes unseen less swingy because they aren’t super fucked when their PR gets outed by an innumerable amount of things

Except all day abilities are useable day 1, so let’s not make an arbitrary distinction for bleeding… for no reason? Scout also works day 1, so does little bird, prince jail.

Well then specify that in the first place.

Can be changed by a suicide button.

Bleeds D1, in my opinion, should not be allowed.

You can’t use Grand Jury, you can’t use vote abilities, you can’t use like 90% of them d1 so why do you make an arbitrary distinction for bleeds / jail?

This is circular logic

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I could use grand jury solic just would mod make it result in a no execution

You can use grand jury
You just can’t execute

Here’s a solution. You add a clause to every day ability that can be used d1 and by default they won’t work d1

Actually you could, they just wouldn’t have an effect, because there is no lynch day 1.

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You can use any day ability that affects vote day1? It just won’t do anything since there is no lynch
