FoL 19.5 - Dead Chat

Laying a restriction should have a good reason, not having the restriction by default… Why shouldn’t you be able to bleed day 1?

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Yes you can use that but there is no lynch day 1 so it won’t lynch

They would be lynched if there was a lynch, but there is not.

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this game would have gone a lot differently if I wasn’t bled imo


You could have been bled day 2 just the same. That’s a ridiculous argument for a balance change. You got bled because the evils saw you as good and the physician saw you as evil. Too bad.

Wasn’t an argument, it was a statement

Butler poison doesn’t work d1.
There is no lynch d1

If we ever rework hunter it will be bullshit to be able to bleed d1

Extremely arbitrary and confusing interaction.

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Coincidentally you make such a statement while furiously arguing for the balance change huh…

It can do that now too.

Coindently if I was using this for a change I would have said “If I wasn’t bleed this would have gone differently and that’s why it should have been”

2 hunters.
Let me just prove myself d1 and scum aren’t able to figure out who I am and I’ll be confirmed d2

Neither does it work day 2

If lunches are not allowed then ability won’t change that you can still use it if you want

That’s only mostly confusing with grand jury, which can be adjusted as it’s new.

It works d2

Okay it has day delay like in tol

Like prince exe does

Changes that SHOULD happen in my opinion:

  • D1 Bleeds being removed.
  • Grand Jury no longer existing OR trials returning. You can’t have Grand Jury without Trials existing, it’s too confusing.
  • If the Grand Jury change or Trials don’t return then honestly make only the FIRST King have it or make it a shared use ability. I find it too OP for two Kings to have it.
  • Priest being completely revamped
  • Soulcatcher being completely revamped
  • Mystic Cult Alts being completely revamped
  • Priest Cult Alts being completely revamped.
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You can telepathy day 1 to to prove yourself… and assassin/CL can bleed, so it doesn’t confirm. It also actually BLEEDS the person affected, so that is usually negative utility for BD.


I’m confused reading this

You can’t use it in tol early