FoL 19.5 - Dead Chat

What does early mean in this context

Grand jury is awesome wtf

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This is very weird for different aligment kings.

In tol till day 4
Here it has delay too

Itā€™s not even OP

It almost caused me a mod-error.

Luckily I had Geyde online at the time

how did that cause you a mod error


Multiple hunters, and scum without a significant way to find the hunters will be left shit out of luck

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itā€™s so simple wtf

Grand Jury really is annoying and stupid.

It shouldnā€™t exist if trials donā€™t exist.

Let me confirm myself (phys / chrono) lul

Is it annoying as a host or is as a player

It exists to balance king

Thatā€™s not the point itā€™s the trials thing that confused me

When the MM reached max votes I was very confused if I insta kill them start a vote or whatever.


ā€¦ they only confirm themself by publically bleeding, so they could be converted. It seems like you have more of a problem with confirmability as a whole instead of being allowed to do an ability on day 1.

I also donā€™t see how any of these things youā€™re saying somehow only apply to day 1 too.

King doesnā€™t need it to be balanced.

Why do you think we included a description on how trials work on it

okay thatā€™s not a balance problem Iā€™m fine with it staying

Yeh, include that yet never included Mystic Conduit?

as if I would trust that