FoL 22 - Dead Chat

Oh… well that’s a rip.


Dead interaction is officially over, so feel free to discuss the game without holding back if you so desire.

We will remain tightlipped until the game is over to minimize game leaks however.

Alice who was other mafia

That’s a lot of death.

So we got NK, 1-2 Cult, King and 3-4 BD.
I really hope it’s Good King otherwise BD lost the game…

Also Kai is still alive after his bleed :thinking:

@Mincinmind Did you try to convert me n1 and killed me with it?

I have something new to unveil at the end of the game that I hope you’ll like fyi. :wink:

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Well Frostwolf is still BD
How did they find Andrej K/O N1? I thought disguise didn’t frame

The K/O on Andrej was me trying to reaction test him.

You know, the usual :smiley:

I thought Frostwolf had checked them? Or am I misremembering.
Also, I think Alice was CL and altered her flip.

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Yeah, Noz looks to be an obvious NK here unless Andrej healed him.

Noz is Kai?

Nah, I really was an Archer>Acolyte.

Who’d you shoot N1?