FoL 22 - Dead Chat

I should of kept it focused on EotW, Jake, and Launchpad

You canā€™t say its newbie town screwing up because been newbwolves screw up too. I didnā€™t like the idea of dismissing Jake like that.

Well itā€™s hard for me to give an unbiased perspective because I already knew what Jake was, a newbie Maid

You should make your own judgements and reads, personally. Play as if you are the class you are claiming as.

Itā€™s just hard to keep up the act for several hours straight

So thatā€™s fineā€¦if you know heā€™s newbie maid, you act like thatā€™s how you see him as. Its genuine.

See meā€¦I had no idea, and my genuine idea was Jake was groupscum.

I acted as Jake was groupscum

But Alice already figured me out by then so I was getting defeated

Donā€™t fake activity. Donā€™t be inactive, but when you are activeā€¦make sure you are making genuine and insightful responses.

The hard part in that is lying for several hours straight

Honestly she should have killed youā€¦she suspected you lmao. Not that it mattered since she was redirected to me if Iā€™m not mistaken.

Practice different scum techniques. Learn from othersā€¦youā€™ll get better!

Only Baz Alice would be screwed D2 lol

Geyde also got Andrej mislynched this match and thereā€™s no guarantee that they wonā€™t side with the Cult or the Reaper later this match.

He claimed Alchemist. There was no risk in killing him.

I saw the Andrej lynch from scorned play from a mile away. Why would a Noble bounty an inactive N1?

Hereā€™s the thing. I read EotW and Min both as newbwolves and Jake as LHF.

End and Min both flipped wolf and Jake flipped BD. I know how to differentiate LHF and newbwolves.

Wazza confused all parties

You canā€™t read inactives, so theyā€™re not a bad bounty.

What ticked me off was that he was insisting on quickhammering Andrej before he could defend himself.

This never comes from town, see what Math did SFoL50.

You did, correct. Iā€™m just saying the idea that Jake and End were different D1 is a miniscule distinctionā€¦End fake claims. Jake made quite a few errors D1 and to say a newbwolf wouldnā€™t slip like that isā€¦idk, I donā€™t buy it. I thought you were scum just for that reason.