FoL 22 - Dead Chat

(I mean, it is also possible that HTM faked the bleed to signal to evils, but I’d have expected Baz to have told you in cult chat if so.)

(would have been nice if HTM saw my signal to grand trial Kai sooner)

They got there.

Neuts in.

Also, why on Earth are they doing an extended hammer? We all know who everyone is anyway, and it’s not like anyone’s choices in Twilight are going to make a difference to the outcome, unless I’m seriously missing something.

Hey, just following orders. Twilight is needed so that Solic can prep something


Is HTM a GK or an EK?

It doesn’t matter, they bleed out tonight with Geyde and Wazza still alive. Unless that was a fake bleed claim.

If he’s a GK, then the game should be over. Honestly with him bled the game is over either way.

Due to me being unsure on Solics plans I have to keep tight lipped on that until I get the go ahead

Wow, BD actually managed to win this.

The Scorned should probably be tweaked tbh.

A) Their targets need to be BD for it to count. The Scorned is supposed to be a Neutral Evil class, not one that can open claim and townside.

B) The Scorned needs to leave the match after it accomplishes its goal. In short, it’s impossible for evils to win if a winning Scorned townsides as that’s effectively an unconvertable night immune player that can easily mech-confirm themselves.

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Didn’t FoL Scorned used to have to have BD targets? Or an I misremembering that?

They just mark their targets here.

They can be of either alignments.

Surprise, insect!

Yeah, I thought it only used to count if the targets were BD. I could be wrong, what I’m used to is ToL Scorned, which is the same as here.

Go away, you’re not dead yet :eyes:

Game’s essentially over 4head.
This is only a problem if it threatens game integrity.

Which it doesnt I guess, I guess I can tell u it was GK but I cant share more until the flip.

I guess I should add Kai since he technically dead