FoL 22 - Dead Chat

We had cult in our newbie fol as well, it was hilarious

What happened in it, I mean it should be seamless enough with good hosts

I mean a newbie CL canā€™t do the Step 1:Recommend a cult alt Step 2:Your partner recommends one Step 3:You go with your partner

One of our vets was OG CL, so it was alright, but eh, that match ^^
I almost got a Princess executed for being Mastermindā€¦ I wish our Paladin would have stopped us :eyes:

And then we tried to execute the NK, who fake claimed Noble, still thinking itā€™s unseen gameā€¦
and then he was a real cult leader :eyes:

Confusing cult for unseen games, sounds familiar

I think having no sheriff/paladin makes that worse. We did have one but he never spoke up (thatā€™s kinda our own fault though, we told him to not claim without a good reason)

I hope I can host again in the next times, I really enjoy hosting more than playing ^^
(judge syndrome I guess~ )

Sup crusts

Well well. :thinking:

And yea, sorry for not leaving this chat, was :sleeping_bed:

Minci Iā€™m dead anyway, was Alice convert or starting cult?

Sup kape mate

Yo, nice chaos.


Kape you arenā€™t dead :eyes:

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Then how am I here? :thinking:

Cheating, obviously