FoL 22 - Dead Chat

You have no idea how often I had to hear this sentence ^^

Also are all D1s as intense as the D1 we had?

Like it’s hard to pretend you are giving a crap about finding evils for 24 hours

No, often people are memeing/spamming D1, and being nonproductive.

So I was unlucky for my first game

In that one sense

We have mostly the nice people in this match, that’s harder for the evils, of course :wink:

Like I don’t want to betray you guys :frowning:

I know I know, no asking for conversion and stuff, sure.

But can you convert me to our mighty lord Mithras please :wink:

You Are Unconvertible (plus people sused you so)

Reeeee my soul is lost forever.

Should of asked Mithras to be starting Cult

I mean me and you being starting cult would have been hilarious

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I hate prince anyways, too bad memories on my last prince game, and people expecting from me to execute neutrals :confused:

But how do we know that you weren’t the real second cult and the death was doctored :thinking:

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How confusing is the existence of cult alts?

Not really as a cult member yourself because you know what the cult alts are

I still don’t really understand the cult points system :thinking:

Same as well

I mean I know there are multiple sets for each class