FoL 22 - Dead Chat

It’s not like the day was going on for another 50 hours or so. :man_shrugging:


Yeah we’ve been ending days pretty quick lol


Scorned: …hey I’m Noble lets lynched Andrej! Lynch him before he responds!

Everyone: Yeah!


Tgats my joke

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Like as soon as they flipped assassin I suspected that it was tailored

I was offline during the Andrej lynch, I came back and I was like ‘… why did we quicklynch that?’

I was occasionally lurking D2 and not paying attention to the quicklynch so IDK

Bye im lefting forum twas fun seeya

Can I ask why you are leaving the forums?

No you cant boom

:heart: :fu:

I am not even kidding that lynching Kai is better for town.

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If you lynched Kai, BD still had a chance because of Knight CS.

That’s exactly the point.

Well BD will still win anyway

I have no idea what Htms alignment is at this point but whatever it is, he better make it very clear here lmao

HTM is bleeding. If they’re cult, they can’t win.

So do we think Kai went for a DI target without the bypass or do we think Kai also went for Frostwolf?

Why does Kai not kill king regardless? Noble, Knight and scorned left …BD loses majority.