FoL 22 - Dead Chat

fr gg, if i went with my gut and killed wazza i might have had more of a chance

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How you would have mechanically won here:

Donā€™t use soul to silence Frost
Reap Wazza
Silence + Block Htm

hindsight is 20/20
at least i had a good dinner lol


This step wasnt needed he had enough souls today. He just needed you as a swing vote

Thatā€™s all that matters here ngl


Didi win ywt

canā€™t disagree lol

you lost lol

Itā€™s going to be a BD win.

yea, Arete i canā€™t stress this enough, please play more games here.


How often do regular FoL matches happen? When should I expect the next one to be?

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there is usually a 1-2 week wait as the team could be tweaking balance

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Welcome to forum mafia :^)

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FOL matches are pretty regular. Iā€™d say the next one should start up prob after this one finishes completley. Usually there is one queued, if not Iā€™d be willing to run another one

We are at a good enough place in the balance that we only make minor changes between games.

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also if your looking for tips on improve do t ask me, iā€™m very bad lol

Yeah about thatā€¦ Solic has a good couple things we found

Such as?
You canā€™t just leave me hanging

Give me a minute itā€™s all throughout our chat