FoL 22 - Dead Chat

A bit on the odd side, but I was doing science.
Basically how much does meta effect reads on high level players

It didnā€™t effect the gameā€™s integrity and I made it known to the hosts early

Pfft you were the one powerwolfing (in this case picking your frame target) on Frost :stuck_out_tongue:

I knew you couldnā€™t have been a new player. Your D1 stuff was too well thought out.

I was trying to ā€˜findā€™ whether how they responded was AI
If it was town AI, I would have townread it
If it was scum AI, I would have pushed it to lynch

Itā€™s pro EV to pick out big parts of playerā€™s play and read into it.

It could have come from a player from another mafia site.

Thatā€™s true

i consider it a good experiment.
also what do i need to sacrifice to be able to run my set up FeelsBadMan

Ooh what are you making?

Black Flag Nightless, its been in the queue for nearly 2 months I think

The queue is that long? Oh no once I get time to finish Jojos FM its gonna take that long. RIP

its the only one in like the VFM as its purely mountainous in terms of power level

ā€¦Araki forgot

I think FK reviewed it right?

i sent it to Solic iirc

Solic never reviews things

Well, he does
But he doesnā€™t enjoy it

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Iā€™ll take a look at it now and youā€™ll probably be able to have it up soonā„¢




soonTM best time frame


Send to me my dude
Iā€™m slightly better than Blizzard