FoL 22 - Dead Chat

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So, does anyone have advice on how to improve?

Through the wise words of people better than me:

#9: The Art of Power Wolfing (by Thingyman)
#11: Effective Wolf Hunting (by Klopp)


I would say you were acting TOO BD at D1, which made you a great convert target; and if not for Alice, you would probably get converted.
Obviously using the full time of the day would also be great (but thatā€™s to every BD in this game).

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If youā€™re playing good, thatā€™s great.
If you think you have a target on your back for playing good, itā€™s not a bad idea to ask for protectives

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A problem a ton of people are bringing up is that being too townie is a death sentence.
Thatā€™s bullshit.


Iā€™m not saying itā€™s a death sentence. But the chances of being converted obviously get increased.

dont be afraid to be townie if your town, it kinda helps as its easier to tell if your converted via tone changes and the like

I donā€™t have a great counter argument for this.
Itā€™s a rely on other players thing which sucks

I think there is a sweet spot. If you are 100% townie, you get protected (and converted). If you are scummy, you neither get attacked nor converted.

You donā€™t really want to make the foundation for a gamesolve just to be converted d1 and see how otherā€™s start picking your scum buddies apart using it.

But thatā€™s obviously playing around a conversion and not enjoyable for me.

If Iā€™m going to be entirely honest, thatā€™s the problem with conversion in forum mafia.

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See hereā€™s my thing: Iā€™ve been deemed ā€œtoo townieā€ and not been protected. In this game, you can only trust yourself if youā€™re town. You canā€™t rely on Protectives being there.

If you change you playstyle to reflect it, then I find that ideal over oozing townie and relying on protectives who could easily make mistakes.

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I donā€™t necessarily mean real protectives. I mean ā€œmaking scum thinks protectives will 100% protect meā€. Quasi a bait.

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Oh yeah, I highly recommend doing that if you find yourself looking too townie.

Tbh Iā€™d just ask for protection
That would really fuck with scum


Convenient segue into game balance

My first game ever here I was deemed Townlock. Everyone was asking ppl to protect me. Since everyone thought ā€œoh well So and so will protect themā€ā€¦I died. No protectives on me after asking for it.

Moral of the Story: Do what you can to survive.

Highkey that was a result of poor town play