FoL 22 - Dead Chat

@Mincinmind Hi, how are you :slight_smile:
(just fyi we have a priest)

i am confused
is my role chronomancer or assassin

Ask mechanical questions in classcard.

Time to only be able to meme because Priest in game

I’m nota fan of this, I kinda should help and make reads and stuff as dead BD… but thanks to being dead I’m too disconnected from the game to be able to care about it. Which means I can’t really do reads, since I have no idea what I’m doing exactly, I just follow my feelings if someone is evil or not. So I’m just gonna sit back, watch and be not helpful at all ^^

I’m sitting back and hoping Mithras magic can somehow make a cult victory happen

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And me having to lead the Cult because Priestess decided to join every other faction role, terrible /s

Oh you reversed

Ahahahha F
Last time I joined unseen was just for a good cause

But come on me having to lead instead of serve(even though I de facto served under my other members)

We all are servants - servants of the holy Mithras - some more willingly, some can only serve through shed blood.

How was it for you btw, I think your first match here?

It’s thrilling, I mean I knew I was toast after D1

Was betting on getting lynched D3 but I was attacked for some reason

Like even after D1, in cult chat I said I was dying D3

I don’t think you were that obvious evil

Only in the sense of there are only however many evils in the game

Our BD players do their best to seem evil :thinking:

And who even could of I been groupscumming with?

Priestess, this isn’t ToL :slight_smile: