FoL 27 - Dead Chat

im stage 7

thats whats on my foot

please help


/Help kat

/dose Jgoes

for what it’s worth I see Bounty as an interesting and high-skill ability

/Grand Trial Amelia

it still makes lynching the bounty target the optimal play unless a wolf lolcats


worst case-town is lynched and you get another shot at killing a wolf
best case-a wolf is lymched

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Worst case-you lynch a BD leaning neut

in most cases i kind of agree

but N1 bounties are usually neither of these things

this was a D2 bounty

I feel like evaluating Noble Bounty as an abilty based on what a convert faking Noble did with it is a mistake


but i stand by my opinion

make bounty D2+ :^)

lynching a bountied target is ALWAYS the optimal play

‘I’m the Prince, [x] was my jail target, this is what they said in jail’

if it makes you feel better ami

if i lived N1 we’d have a dead possessor named EVO

lmao thanks

and then a dead, victorious katze N3