FoL 27 - Dead Chat

Oh yes, I have the greatest yet terrible idea.

I will try to read people by which stage of the Amy effect they are in.

Random nerd 6 was imprisoned by the Prince.

Vulgard magical barriers the assassin

yeah except tavernkeep can just dayocc the fucking prince


stage one-general confusion and going off track
stage two-becoming romantically interested in me
stage three-becoming my SO
Stage Four-You marry me
stage 5-you have become so jaded and numb to everything your just me but with a different body
stage 6-we fuse bodies and become a death machine

TK!MM is actually the strongest scum class in the game

change my mind

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Geyde thought he’d fixed that, like, 6 months ago

it turns out that he had not


Arbiter <>

didnt chloe literally mention it on the feedback thread


Ami has revealed as the Senex!

Now if we want true anticlaim we add the syndicate

Oh… you were talking about yourself… I thought you were referencing something.

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i like to think arete is in stage 2 but they aren’t


personally I like ‘scum can choose, when they kill, to guess the exact BD class of the target they’re killing; if correct the kill bypasses all forms of protection and if incorrect the kill silently fails’


arete is in stage 3

i still gotta wait for stage 3

pesky laws
shits just ink on paper

I am in Stage 0.