FoL 27 - Dead Chat

but what can you do when people blindly townread someone for doing something thats ultimately not far from being NAI

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Oh, right.

is marshal swapping chloe and italy

Yeah marshal is swapping chloe and italy lmao

Community Mafia, right?

And nappy certainly isnā€™t guarding either of them

thats dumb as hell if the archer is real

also is bird healing marshal or is he dying

Heā€™s healing dry
Aka running into an ice ward

thatsā€¦ kinda dumb

Have the new reviewers been announced yet?

not publicly

No but I know at least one of them.

But N confirmed dat is one of them

Or at least thatā€™s what he tells everyone

Oh right, I know at least two of them.

since its a no brainer that youā€™re one of them you should totally review randomizer :^)

I really like me and marshals setup I think itll be really cool

What we all need in life is SFoL 65

which one is that I cant keep track anymore

prob her cult-majority one