FoL 27 - Dead Chat

mindmeld i hate you

what if you

wanted to be prince

but the FoL team said

“everyone gets a day occ”

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Wait has he already used GT?

Nappy needed to GT not-Squid on the day everyone lynched Squid

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He used it on snake

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to be fair tho

i also almost day occed alice and then italy

to be fair

he’s occ immune now


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wait is he really?

its a tol joke

does 3 occs equal occ imm in Fol?

and with day oocs?

FoL has acquired occ immunity too

and he’s been occ’d 3 times


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Day occ immunity obtained

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Also i stand by my derps and wazza reaps - as well as my n1

as the game continued, my mechanics got worse and worse

fuckin d3 icy touch on alice. shoulda known that wouldnt work

and the gather darkness on italy


occ immune prince :sunglasses:

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And he still misses jail because quickhammer

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Imagine missing 4 jails lamo




what if you

wanted to occupy the Prince

but the three occs on the Prince that already happened

said no

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I’m dead serious lmao

Dude i’ve never felt more stressed in a game in my life

I knew from the second I got my classcard that I wouldn’t win
But I wanted to get as far as possible
And also, there was like this… expectation I had on myself to be the first non-OP NK to win

i need a beer