FoL 27 - Dead Chat

honestly there needs to be something to stop the “demand logs from replacement immediately” thing


And that’s the thing
It actually raises suspicions of a tactical replace out

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delay “X has replaced in” message?

I thought 100% it was tactical, as he said /replace out in the thread

Squid and Alice were bringing this up in scumchat too

I stand by that my alice thing was fair game, because you should make fake logs 4 a fakeclaim

but like “hey replacement give logs immediately” and then they give logs and then also the exact times when actions are submitted


alice why out me in logs if you need killlpowwwerererrererererer

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The priest thing was just a final gambit to maybe buy a night

why dose italy so i’m occ’d by dry if you need killpowerererererererrerer

the priest thing was obviously fake though

chloe/marshal 100% break that gambit when they ask what i said in dead chat



“iso me for reads” is fake as shit

it was obviously that kind of gambit
and then her not saying the right htings that the deaddies would say

Like im not gunna say that the last italy dose and the logs outting me lost unseen the game



when she was like “braix scumread dry” i was like “ok this is a bold-faced lie”

By the way her logs were originally just going to be “iso me for reads”
Over and over again
It was funny

EVO replacing out did


Theres a chance i could help kill enough people if i werent fuckin occupied and outted aa

Okay true


Yeah unseen could definitely have bounced back from alice getting outted if the evo mislynch happened

any potential rule-breaking behavior with regards to replacements will be handled after the game


Okay scary host-text